
A pervasive export policy
Brewery De Glazen Toren was immediately faced with a highly saturated Belgian beer market at its inception. For this reason, an attempt was made as soon as possible to tackle this problem through a thorough export policy. Today, our beers are available in more than ten countries, spread over a large part of the world. We work with important local partners in these countries, who ensure the further distribution of our beers. The transport complies with the strictest requirements regarding the conditioning of the beer. Thus, transport by sea must be in refrigerated tanks, or containers in the ship, kept below the waterline. Trucks with refrigeration are required for southern countries. The brewery's maxim is that the beer must not suffer any loss of quality because of the voyage.

A pervasive export policy
Brewery De Glazen Toren was immediately faced with a highly saturated Belgian beer market at its inception. For this reason, an attempt was made as soon as possible to tackle this problem through a thorough export policy. Today, our beers are available in more than ten countries, spread over a large part of the world. We work with important local partners in these countries, who ensure the further distribution of our beers. The transport complies with the strictest requirements regarding the conditioning of the beer. Thus, transport by sea must be in refrigerated tanks, or containers in the ship, kept below the waterline. Trucks with refrigeration are required for southern countries. The brewery's maxim is that the beer must not suffer any loss of quality because of the voyage.
The sales market
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